Sunday, 8 May 2011

Somerset and some are Runny

Well we made it back from Europe ok. Customs took an interest in our car load of art, well I say car but it's actually a Fiat Doblo. Less car and more biscuit tin on wheels. Kent looked fabulous in the afternoon sunshine and so transfixed by the siver towers in the disatance were we that we missed the M25 and ended up on the Greenwich approaches. Relations remained cordial for the most part with the only blip coming just outside of Ashford when Various wouldn't accept Pit not accepting his offer of a milk chocolate Rich Tea biscuit. Over tired, fractious and over here.

On the plus side Various has been asked to be in the Unification show being held later this month in Cheltenham. And he's going to get paid, which will be nice as it means he can finish off paying for his website ( The show combines science and art, neither of which he's particularly knowledgeable about. Various confided that it was a bit late in the day to be asked, a bit like being invited to a party on the day it's taking place. Not quite an afterthought but not a fixture either.

What about me? Well I'm down at Darling Number 1's near Bath in Somerset but have to report at the coalface at 8am in the morning for more Minimum Wage Manouevres. Spent the time watching The Only Way Is Essex and learning a dozen ways to say party without using all six letters. And hearing a lad ask, without a trace of irony 'Am I hot?' Sir, if you need to pardee on etc

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