Sunday, 1 May 2011

The Impossible Blondes

Ok well here we are in Bruxelles at the art fair. A weekend event over populated by impossibly slim, gorgeous, blonde, black wearing Dutch people with, bringing up the rear in room 110 Scot and Pit looking like a pair of bumbling country priests enjoying their moment in the smoke. We consle ourselves with the knowledge that come tomorrow each one of the impossible blondes will collapse in the doorways of their Dutch barns begging to be decanted to something acrylic and floral, but for now they remain impossibly cool. And blonde of course.

Anna and Glenn

Last night Pit and I in the company of two of the aforementioned blondes stayed out above and beyond the call of duty. Eschewing the arty party happening across town we instead trawled the backstreets in search of beer, pizza and more beer. Is it right to use a raw egg as the centrepiece of a pizza vegeteriane? No, of course it isn't but neither is it right to ask for the wine list in a Muslim pizzeria in the home of Brel, Poirot and the Pissing Boy. For a while I thought Pit was resting easily on the Dutch damsels eye but between ordering and the food arriving we managed to establish that we were all loved up. Back to bed and three hours sleep followed by two breakfasts, one in our hotel and one over the road in the Bloom. Or is it the other way round? Anyway, I digress.

Phillipe doing what he does.

Lots of pictures of impossibly cool, blonde, Dutch people wearing the Hoodigans (pin striped suit jackets converted into hoodies). They'll look good on the interweb and heaven knows that could do with a sprinkling of cool. As of yet no work sold but the Ladies is bearing up stoically. A couple of ideas emerging, one for a Hoodigan wearing footie XI and the other for some sound, but enough of that for now. Rest of day spent moving hither and yon, bestowing blessings and using the bathroom as an impromptu confessional. Part of the reason we've not sold anything could be explained by Pit turning away a Dutch artist looking for contributors for his own radio show because he, Pit was feeling 'out of sorts'. To rub salt into the faux pas he took him along the corridor and introduced him to someone else. As I type Pit is twittering.......Pit the twit.

That's enough. Possibly more than enough. We have an early start and have to pack up the mobile gallery before nightfall but until then so much to do and so much to see....the impossibilities are both enormous. And Dutch.

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