There's been a few changes - I have a new photo - a selfie no less, something I've been averse to, mainly because of comments, not bad ones, just comments.
To bring you up to speed Cheek by Joel currently has a show at Evesham Arts Centre - tonite let's all make love in Eve-er-sham; 6 stylishly packaged evocations of everyday brutality carried out by gangsta's wearing an assortment of straw boaters. It's on until the latter stages of this month so if you're in the area go and check it out - but be sure to phone ahead since despite being housed within a school they're not always open.
Next up is a show at Birmingham Institute of Art & Design (BIAD) from the start of March and continuing for two weeks. This I am excited about and am having plinths made specially. The show, provisionally untitled, will consist of sculptures/constructions I've been making for the past 10 months or so, beginning with the micro billboards but now branching out into utopian/dystopian public structures - examining duality of purpose/meaning.
And then at the end of May/start of June I'm curating a show to be included within Fringe Arts Bath annual festival - check it out and please get involved if yo have work that is appropriate. My bit's called Exchange & art, here's a link:
The flag? - knew you'd ask, it's from last years Supernormal festival and was made by the talented Laurie Hooper based upon a rough sketch on the back of an envelope. Didn't get any decent shots due to lack of wind so 44AD Gallery here in Bath kindly let me set it up and get some shots. It's political and features a prism, go figure.
Take it easy.
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