Saturday, 9 March 2013

Worcester Fashion Week

Well, for the past fortnight it's been Worcester fashion week and we've all been struck down with runway fever! The city's cafes and charity shops have been over run with fashion savvy farmers and their gauche daughters eager to taste everything the city has to offer. We're grateful to Cheek By Joel for sending in these lovely images. For some time WFW has been viewed as being reminiscent of a crime scene and as a result photographers have  been banned - hence the press's reliance on artist's impressions such as these.

The event, which for the 4th year running was sponsored by The Lone Furrow Tractor Co, was held in the city's Guild Hall and was opened by Councillor Bob Roberts and featured Worcester's very own Carnivore Queen, lovely Katy Hackett, 19 (below). 'I had a lovely time' said Katy 'and I'm sure the experience will help me a lot'. We're not sure which designer is showing in each of these images, but we're fairly sure that they will be coming to what remains of our high street fairly soon.

Joel informs us that he is suprised these turned out as well as they did since to use his term he was as 'drunk as a lord' when he did them. So well done Joel for entering into the spirits of the event but without leaving your work ethic at the bar. 

It's taken a while to get off the ground, and whilst it may not yet quite be up there with New York, London, Paris or Milan - yet! - it's good to know it's taking off!

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