Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Lovely Stuff.

Simply cannot believe how bad I have become at blogging, no posts in June and I believe just the two in May. Not good enough.

So, a quick update; Nathaniel and myself went to D’dorf to collect ingredients for Finding Kling Klang. During trip we fetched up in Kassel, home to the Brothers Grimm and the art show dOCUMENTA13, which was good. Back home I have taken advantage of different settings on drum kit to start composing noises for FKK.

Talking of fairy tales, the Red Nile project had a happy ending with a show for the winners (in the best traditions of fairness this meant everyone) and the following morning (Sunday) a trip up to Stoke on Trent with the mobile billboard for more photos.

Phonetic Phlaag made it to Art Vilnius as part of Nathaniel’s yearly artfairfest and mention of flags reminds me that Supernormal would like to take it to Brazzier’s Park in August so, happy days. 

Last weekend myself and Darling #1 attended Frome Open Studios where we ended up at Ellen Folley and John M. Robinson's joint show. Lovely work, lovely food and lovely jazzy type music to listen to too. And we got to steal one of John's small works! 

Lovely stuff....