Sunday, 11 December 2011

Worcestershire Walkabout Minutes

Present; NP, AL, HM, JLM, PJ

Apologies; NC, AP, CP,MP, JB

Matters Arising; n/a

W-CA welcomed both JLM and HM on the occasion of their first artist walk and talk.

It was agreed to walk from Division of Labour to the Red Lion pub via the Beacon.

NP suggested that the slow pace set on the previous walk and since attributed to the presence of small children was not necessarily the case. With hindsight it appears that certain adults might have held the children back.

Upon reaching a compass type thing three people voted to go straight to the pub (NP, JLM, PJ) and two to go on to the Beacon. Following on from discussions it was decided that the whole party would go on to the summit.

The Beacon

At the Beacon it was agreed that photographs would be taken; A) evidence that the task had been completed and B) to amuse friends on fbook.

On the descent it was decided to enter St Anne’s Well. Following an enquiry by PJ both he and JLM used the toilets.

Upon arriving at the Red Lion pub light refreshments were ordered. Two people (AL and JLM) had meals and the remainder had chips. All decided to order drinks with all bar PJ enjoying lagers. Two of the pints tasted of cheese and a motion was put forward to request replacements. After further discussion it was decided not to proceed but to instead write off the round.

Following discussions as to the merits of hills versus rivers it was agreed that the next walk would take place in Worcester.


Harry, in replying to PJ’s suggestion that henceforth he be known as Alligator ‘Arry pointed out that there are in fact no Alligators in Australia.

Photos reproduced courtesy of JLM.

Date of Next Meeting 

18th December, 2pm, Rectifying House, Worcester. 

Saturday, 10 December 2011

When In Stoke

Good day today at Hanley Bus Station in Stoke on Trent, part of RedNile’s series of Factory Nights. Pitt drove, and despite setting off late and having to deposit children en masse and en route weren’t too late. Found it ok, parked up in the last space left on the park and found the main group pretty much immediately. Unfortunately I had to go for a piss, could I find anywhere on site, course not. Ended up in pub and by the time I’d returned the peloton had moved on. Took photos of desolate buses before climbing some concrete steps onto a concourse and there they were. More photos of grim graffiti daubed walls and piss stinking arcades before we bumbled off to meet Carol who has worked at the cafĂ© for as long as most of us could remember. Then we gathered round Mike, Janine and Suzanne who led our merry crocodile the short distance to Perrin’s garage, an art deco design from the oldie days and now part Thai restaurant, part ongoing office development all lovingly overseen by the owner who’s name escapes me. After this it was on to a charming pub also up for demolition (name escapes me but Landlord ale is something of a delcacy in these, or any other parts) via Airspace gallery where we admired their Airvent calendar window display. Good stuff.

Good to meet up with people I’ve met before; students (Michelle), Curators (Rob, Anna, Greg), collaborators (Nat) and fellow W-CA-ers (Charlie and Nat again).

Reading this I realise that some of my favourite words have something in common; Kiosk and Depot were already there but now Factory has entered mine and Various’s Lexicon of Post Industrial Love.

In other events Various did a jumble sale last weekend, sold very little and boy was it cold!

And on Friday I attended a works event at Chesters Mexican. Good evening and fun was had by one and all. 

Meanwhile Friday night saw an opening of Simon Starling’s When In Rome at Movement. Turned up late (again) but still managed to watch Simon’s lovely film and enjoy a fabulous cup of non alcoholic punch. Lovely stuff!

Tomorrow is walk day on the Malverns. Did one two weeks ago when half a dozen of us huffed and puffed our way up and down a medium paced hill before retiring to the Red Lion in Malvern for a light lunch.